Open Durational Alimony

June 5, 2023

Even if a couple doesn’t make it until “death-do-us-part,” any marriage lasting 20 years or more in New Jersey falls into the “long-term marriage” category. That means that a dependent spouse may be entitled to Open Durational Alimony.

How Long Does Open Durational Alimony Last?

Open Durational Alimony

It’s called “Open Durational” for a reason. As a result of the NJ alimony amendments in 2014, ODA has no definitive end date but presumptively terminates upon the person paying reaching full social security retirement age, around 66 or 67, and also retiring.

It is not a “happy birthday” statute where a termination is automatic. This presumptive end is just that—a presumption. In the future, the presumption of alimony terminating when the payor reaches full social security retirement age could be overcome by the dependent spouse.  

Can ODA Extend Beyond Retirement Age?

To overcome the presumption, a court would have to review a variety of factors, including the ages of the parties at the time of retirement, their ages at the time of the marriage and entry of the alimony award, the degree of economic dependency during the marriage, the assets, sources of income, retirement savings, and other factors. 

Contact Rigden Lieberman Today

Paying or receiving alimony is often the biggest issue both during a divorce and after. Contact Rigden Lieberman today to discuss your rights and obligations regarding alimony.

By Alexandra “Lexie” Rigden

Alexandra “Lexie” Rigden understands that family law clients face unique challenges mentally, emotionally, and financially. Rigden, Lieberman & Mignogna, P.A. handles all stages of family law litigation, including trials, emergency court motions, as well as pre and post judgment applications. Every case is different, and Lexie Rigden & Ronald G. Lieberman will work to achieve the best outcome for clients whether it involves litigation or settlement. Request a consultation to discuss your case further.

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8000 Sagemore Drive Suite 8202
Marlton, NJ 08053

(856) 890-9400

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Ryan D.
True 5 star Lawyer
Alexandra is by far the best lawyer I retained. She did not waste anytime with me or try and drag out the situation for more money. Straight and to the point. Alexandra knows the facts that count for your case and is prepared and ready to fight every inch for you. She also is passionate and listens to you in completely so she can better understand what you are going through. I absolutely recommend Alexandra Kardon Rigden for family law or a DV case.
May 5, 2022
Ryan D.
True 5 star Lawyer
Alexandra is by far the best lawyer I retained. She did not waste anytime with me or try and drag out the situation for more money. Straight and to the point. Alexandra knows the facts that count for your case and is prepared and ready to fight every inch for you. She also is passionate and listens to you in completely so she can better understand what you are going through. I absolutely recommend Alexandra Kardon Rigden for family law or a DV case.
May 5, 2022

Ryan D.
Ryan D.
Anonymous "J"
Do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra
Alexandra came as a recommendation from an attorney friend and she was spot on. Alexandra kept me informed through every step of the process during such a difficult time in my life. She explained things in detail and always had my best interest in mind, even when I may not have realized it. As my title says, do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra.
September 7, 2022
Anonymous "J"
Do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra
Alexandra came as a recommendation from an attorney friend and she was spot on. Alexandra kept me informed through every step of the process during such a difficult time in my life. She explained things in detail and always had my best interest in mind, even when I may not have realized it. As my title says, do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra.
September 7, 2022

Anonymous "J"
Anonymous "J"
Divorce & Restraining Order
Lexie has been my attorney since 2018. I retained her when I filed for divorce and again when I needed to obtain a restraining order. She is the best of the best. She is professional, honest, and thorough. I would highly recommend her.
February 15, 2022
Divorce & Restraining Order
Lexie has been my attorney since 2018. I retained her when I filed for divorce and again when I needed to obtain a restraining order. She is the best of the best. She is professional, honest, and thorough. I would highly recommend her.
February 15, 2022


 (856) 890-9400

8000 Sagemore Drive Suite 8202
Marlton, NJ 08053