Alimony & Spousal Support

This is a high-level description of the service

Services Information

Vivamus ullamcorper diam lacus, at fringilla nisi efficitur et. Donec facilisis ex quis gravida tincidunt. Suspendisse sem quam, tincidunt nec dapibus sed, dapibus et lectus. Proin vehicula.


Important services feature or customer benefit


Important services feature or customer benefit


Important services feature or customer benefit

How can we help?

Vivamus ullamcorper diam lacus, at fringilla nisi efficitur et. Donec facilisis ex quis gravida tincidunt. Suspendisse sem quam, tincidunt nec dapibus sed, dapibus et lectus. Proin vehicula porttitor ultricies. Praesent in neque a enim pharetra congue non sit amet diam. Phasellus nec erat ac mi efficitur fermentum gravida eu urna. Phasellus consectetur, tortor vitae maximus placerat, libero augue sodales neque, eget porta ante urna a odio. In euismod convallis elit, non gravida dolor tempus eu. Morbi vitae nunc nulla. Pellentesque convallis mi quis nisl efficitur egestas. Mauris faucibus efficitur maximus.

Vestibulum tristique, lacus ac pretium dignissim, risus magna aliquet leo, in mollis orci ipsum nec nulla. Pellentesque ut mi id mauris rutrum elementum. In iaculis tellus vitae egestas faucibus. Quisque vehicula, leo vitae laoreet pretium, nisi ante pretium arcu, nec lobortis metus nulla quis augue. Vestibulum faucibus justo mattis quam finibus iaculis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc at risus egestas, dapibus libero et, ornare mi.

Working Process

Vivamus ullamcorper diam lacus, at fringilla nisi efficitur et. Donec facilisis ex quis gravida tincidunt. Suspendisse sem quam, tincidunt nec dapibus sed, dapibus et lectus. Proin vehicula porttitor ultricies. Praesent in neque a enim pharetra congue non sit amet diam.


Service Callout

Before working, we always advise our customers about the options for customers to refer


Service Callout

Before working, we always advise our customers about the options for customers to refer


Service Callout

Before working, we always advise our customers about the options for customers to refer

Our Services


Services Name

Let's start work together

New York, USA
Tel.: +1 201 700 5353
[email protected]
10 Hudson Yards, 10256

Anonymous "J"
Do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra
Alexandra came as a recommendation from an attorney friend and she was spot on. Alexandra kept me informed through every step of the process during such a difficult time in my life. She explained things in detail and always had my best interest in mind, even when I may not have realized it. As my title says, do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra.
September 7, 2022
Anonymous "J"
Do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra
Alexandra came as a recommendation from an attorney friend and she was spot on. Alexandra kept me informed through every step of the process during such a difficult time in my life. She explained things in detail and always had my best interest in mind, even when I may not have realized it. As my title says, do yourself a favor and hire Alexandra.
September 7, 2022

Anonymous "J"
Anonymous "J"
Divorce & Restraining Order
Lexie has been my attorney since 2018. I retained her when I filed for divorce and again when I needed to obtain a restraining order. She is the best of the best. She is professional, honest, and thorough. I would highly recommend her.
February 15, 2022
Divorce & Restraining Order
Lexie has been my attorney since 2018. I retained her when I filed for divorce and again when I needed to obtain a restraining order. She is the best of the best. She is professional, honest, and thorough. I would highly recommend her.
February 15, 2022

Ryan D.
True 5 star Lawyer
Alexandra is by far the best lawyer I retained. She did not waste anytime with me or try and drag out the situation for more money. Straight and to the point. Alexandra knows the facts that count for your case and is prepared and ready to fight every inch for you. She also is passionate and listens to you in completely so she can better understand what you are going through. I absolutely recommend Alexandra Kardon Rigden for family law or a DV case.
May 5, 2022
Ryan D.
True 5 star Lawyer
Alexandra is by far the best lawyer I retained. She did not waste anytime with me or try and drag out the situation for more money. Straight and to the point. Alexandra knows the facts that count for your case and is prepared and ready to fight every inch for you. She also is passionate and listens to you in completely so she can better understand what you are going through. I absolutely recommend Alexandra Kardon Rigden for family law or a DV case.
May 5, 2022

Ryan D.
Ryan D.
 (856) 890-9400
 (609) 643-0111

710 E. Main Street, 1A
Marlton, NJ 08053